The overall objectives of the conference are to advance the theory and practice of Business Sustainability, implementation and promotion of practices in companies towards sustainability across multiple dimensions on all organisational levels, from strategic management to operational levels, in every type of business and for every company’s function.
To bridge the gaps between theory and practice, between academia and companies, between abstract and real worlds, and to bring people in the centre, as a critical success factor towards business sustainability.

8th International Conference on
Virtual and Networked Organizations Emergent Technologies and Tools - ViNOrg'20
02 - 04 December 2020
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Due to COVID-19 restictions, Hotel has informed us that they will close from 1st December.
New Venue: University of Minho - Guimarães
Registration Fee - per person per paper
Early Registration (until 08th November) for
Face-to-Face or Video-conferencing presentation format 550 €
After 08th November for
Face-to-Face or Video-conferencing presentation format 625 €
Other fees
Conference Dinner for accompanying person 60 € / person
Lunch or Reception Cocktail for accompanying person 30 € / person / meal
Exhibitors 1000 €
Registration for the Conference implies the total Registration Fee payment. For Cancelation Policies see below.
Registration for Face-to-Face presentation format includes attending the conference, welcome reception cocktail, lunch during the conference days, conference dinner, coffee breaks and Conference Proceedings Journal.
Registration for Video-conferencing presentation format includes attending the conference through video-conferencing and Conference Proceedings Journal.
For every accepted paper at least one registration fee must be paid by November 20th, so that the paper can be included in the Conference Program and published in the Conference Proceedings Journal.
One full registration gives right to present one paper and its inclusion in the Conference Proceedings Journal.
Papers have a minimum lengh of 4 pages and maximum length of 8 pages. To each additional page corresponds the payment of 50 EUR.
Registration fees do not include: Flights, transfers from/to the airport, or accommodation.
Cancellation Policy:
If cancelled before and included 15th November, 2020, registration fee will be refunded less 20% plus bank’s costs. No refunds will be given for cancellations made after 15th November, 2020.
Cancellation requests must be communicated by email to
The Organising Committees and/or Conference Organisers shall not be held liable for personal accidents or losses or damage to private property of registered delegates of the Conference. Delegates should make their own arrangements in respect of personal insurance.