The overall objectives of the conference are to advance the theory and practice of Business Sustainability, implementation and promotion of practices in companies towards sustainability across multiple dimensions on all organisational levels, from strategic management to operational levels, in every type of business and for every company’s function.
To bridge the gaps between theory and practice, between academia and companies, between abstract and real worlds, and to bring people in the centre, as a critical success factor towards business sustainability.

8th International Conference on
Virtual and Networked Organizations Emergent Technologies and Tools - ViNOrg'20
02 - 04 December 2020
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Due to COVID-19 restictions, Hotel has informed us that they will close from 1st December.
New Venue: University of Minho - Guimarães
Coming to the Venue
By Plane
The nearest international airport to the city of Póvoa de Varzim is the Sá Carneiro Airport in Oporto (Airport code: OPO), about 28 km away by the highways.
+ Metro
You have to use two lines:
Purple Line - E (Aeroporto - Estádio do Dragão)
Red Line - B (Estádio do Dragão - Póvoa de Varzim)
To come from Airport to Póvoa de Varzim, you have to change at the station "Verdes":
Aeroporto - Verdes (change line) Verdes - Póvoa de Varzim
For more information:
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Due to COVID-19 restictions, Hotel has informed us that they will close from 1st December.
New Venue: University of Minho - Guimarães
+ Táxi or + Walk
After reaching the metro station "Póvoa de Varzim", the Venue is at distance of about 2.3km:
- Taxi (+-10min)
- Walk (+-30min)