The overall objectives of the conference are to advance the theory and practice of Business Sustainability, implementation and promotion of practices in companies towards sustainability across multiple dimensions on all organisational levels, from strategic management to operational levels, in every type of business and for every company’s function.
To bridge the gaps between theory and practice, between academia and companies, between abstract and real worlds, and to bring people in the centre, as a critical success factor towards business sustainability.

8th International Conference on
Virtual and Networked Organizations Emergent Technologies and Tools - ViNOrg'20
02 - 04 December 2020
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Due to COVID-19 restictions, Hotel has informed us that they will close from 1st December.
New Venue: University of Minho - Guimarães

All accepted full papers will be published in the newly created open access Journal,
Proceedings of 2100 Projects Association Joint Conferences, ISSN: 2183-3060, published by 2100 Projects Association.

ISSN online: 2406-128X
ISSN print: 1451-2092
(indexed in SCOPUS and ISI)
Authors of a selection of papers will be invited to extend their papers for publication in selected international scientific peer-reviewed journals.
Selected papers (extended versions) will be published in a Special Issue of "FME Transactions", indexed on ISI Web of Science Clarivate Analytics - Emerging Sources Citation Index, and also indexed on SCOPUS.
The Special Issue theme:
“Management and Education in i4.0”.